GTA 6 has taken over the internet since Rockstar revealed its official trailer today. The game has been trending on X (formerly Twitter), and its owner, Elon Musk, couldn’t help but share a comment. Following his reaction, fans couldn’t determine if he was joking or being serious and left countless comments.

Here’s what Elon Musk said about the Grand Theft Auto series on X and how the community reacted to it.

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Elon Musk upsets GTA 6 fans by saying he couldn’t play GTA games

Elon Musk, the owner of social media platform X and space engineering firm SpaceX, commented on Rockstar Games’ franchise after the GTA 6 trailer was revealed earlier today. He disclosed not liking Rockstar’s immensely successful franchise for a rather interesting reason.

Dan (@KettlebellLife), an X employee and kettlebell influencer, posted that he’s never played any of the Grand Theft Auto titles. In response, Elon Musk (@elonmusk) stated that he tried playing Grand Theft Auto 5 but “just couldn’t do it” because it required shooting cops in the opening scene.

Musk was alluding to the game’s prologue, in which players must dispatch a lot of cops who are attempting to stop Michael, Trevor, and their group from robbing the Ludendorff bank. Naturally, Grand Theft Auto fans were left dumbfounded by his comment and replied to him. Prominent insider Ben (@videotechuk_) responded:

Alex Lorusso, the Executive Producer of The Benny Show, also chimed in, jokingly asking Musk if he followed all traffic laws while playing.

Many others also shared a similar sentiment, with comments like:

“This is like saying I follow the law and stop at red lights in GTA 5.”

Fans also flooded the comment section with memes. Here’s one by @drivesIowly that uses the iconic Wesley Snipes meme to describe Musk’s possible reaction to the prologue mission.

Some wondered if the businessman was being serious or just trolling.

Many others commented that it’s just a video game and the NPCs are just pixels and not real people.

A user brought up the irony of not continuing with Grand Theft Auto because it features criminal activity, as the name itself refers to the legal term for carjacking.

This user compared Musk to the rapper Drake, with the meme portraying him as someone who would follow all rules and refuse to use guns in a Grand Theft Auto game.

Meanwhile, the upcoming title has already kicked off a storm online, with fans being incredibly hyped since watching its trailer. The game is expected to feature two protagonists, but the released clip focuses GTA 6 Lucia.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul

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